• Jun 23, 2014

    When we say memory, people tend to think of the mind, but the body has much, much more memory than the mind. Your great, great, great-grandfather’s nose is sitting on your face because something inside your body remembers. Your body still remembers how someone was a million years ago and it is still acting that out. So the memory of the body is way bigger than the memory of the mind. This memory is what we refer to as karmic impressions. There was a time when in India, society was trying to manage your karmic impressions. It is for this purpose that jatis, gotras and other things were started. But that has all gone now. So you have to manage it within yourself.

    What you call as “my life” is a certain amount of energy controlled by a certain amount of information. This information, in today’s terms, can be called software. A certain amount of life energy is charged with a certain amount of information. Together, this information technology is you. You become a certain kind of character because of the type of information that has gone into you. The past impressions of life go far beyond the moment you were born, but in your perception right now, at least from the moment you were born till today, what kind of parents, family, and education you had, what kind of religious and social background, what kind of cultural realities – all these impressions have gone in. Someone has become a different character simply because of the type of information that has gotten into him. This is what is karma. This information is traditionally called karma or karmic body or casual body – that which causes life.

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  • May 23, 2014

    Your whole life, you are only living in your mind, not in this world.

    You are only thinking about life. You are not experiencing life. So you are a psychological existence; you are not an existential existence. Whatever happens in your mind is irrelevant, because you can make anything happen. You can imagine anything and think it is true.

    What happens in your mind, what you think and feel has nothing to do with the reality of life, but right now, humanity has invested so much towards what they think and feel.

    What this essentially means is that your own petty creation that you create in your mind has become so important for you that you are missing the magnificent Creation of the Creator.

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  • Apr 23, 2014

    Right now, when you sit here, this body is just a piece of this Earth. It has popped up from this Earth and it will go back to this Earth. Before you and me came here on this planet, a countless number of people walked this planet, isn’t it? Where are they? All topsoil. You will also become topsoil unless someone buries you real deep, fearing that you may rise from the dead. So this body right now is a debt that you have taken from the planet; it is a loan from the planet.

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  • Mar 23, 2014

    The quicker you are in attaching verbal or mental labels to things, people, or situations, the more shallow and lifeless your reality becomes, and the more deadened you become to reality, the miracle of life that continuously unfolds within and around you. In this way, cleverness may be gained, but wisdom is lost, and so are joy, love, creativity, and aliveness. They are concealed in the still gap between the perception and the interpretation. Of course we have to use words and thoughts. They have their own beauty – but do we need to become imprisoned in them?
    [Eckhart Tolle]

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  • Feb 23, 2014

    Death will anyway happen, you do not have to support it. It is life that needs support. Life needs your support because life is a brief happening, death is a very big one, about life and death, if we use the analogy of light and darkness, you would understand better.

    Light has been always glorified. If you say Divine, you say Divine light. You will not say Divine darkness. But you tell me, which is more all-encompassing? Light is a brief happening, it needs a source which burns. And whatever kind of light source, whether it is a light bulb, or the major source of light for you right now, the sun; both will burn out one day. Light is a brief happening. When there is no light, darkness is all-pervading. It is in the lap of darkness that light has happened.

    Darkness has always been associated with evil in the West. But in India, when an ignorant person comes, we refer to Divine as light. When an evolved person comes, we refer to Divine as darkness. Because when a person is ignorant, if you say, “Divine is darkness,” he does not want to go there, because darkness is something that he has always feared. Death is something he always feared. Dark corners in the street are always something that he feared, isn’t it? But when a person has evolved beyond certain limitations, if he has tasted something beyond the physical, then we always refer to the Divine as darkness.

    The physical body is something that you have borrowed from this Earth and you have to shed it. There is no question about it. It does not charge you any interest, but it takes back every atom that it gave you. Nobody can carry a single atom from here, isn’t it? So, it is just a question of physical body - but it needs support. Because the only thing that people know is physical body, they do not want to let it go.

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